
But as you will say: it is of your own seeking, I will not complain. Yesterday I however almost lost my temper. You may perhaps have observed that I have been placed, contrary to my remonstrances, upon the great examing committee ordered by <personName>Mr. Wise</personName>'s resolutions. After getting fairly organised a proposition was made to sit every morning & also every evening. I have my own committee besides, overstocked with business too, where the sole direction rests upon me. This would leave me without a moment for recreation or even private correspondence or business correspondence except what I could steal in the House during its session. I stormed so much that we finally agreed to leave the evening & to ask the permission of the House to sit <deletion>[unclear]</deletion> Committee during the Session of the House. This was granted by the House which will give some little relief, but not much. I begged very hard to be left off from serving on this Committee - but I was met with the response: we must have men who can be relied on - of sound judgment, cool, deliberate