
& firm, <deletion>"</deletion> and cannot dispense with your services" _ and what was to be done - So it is here. A few, comparatively speaking, must perform nearly all the labor without even gaining much credit for ^<add>it</add> from the mass of the people, who do not see the machinery by which things are worked _ while a few bags of wind, who to be sure have no credit here, gain all the applause at a distance. But still there is a gratification in knowing that you have done your duty - and to the utmost extent.

I am delighted to hear that your grate answers the purpose & that, in conjunction with the stone, both your rooms are kept comfortable.

It rained here a good deal on Friday & during Friday night. Yesterday morning abut daylight it commenced snowing, accompanied with a good deal of storm & continued all day & I think a considerable part of the night. It still storms & the snow drifts very much so that you cannot say how deep it is - perhaps eight or ten inches, but a great deal that fell yesterday melted. I hope it has not drifted as much with you & that you may have some fine sleighing. God bless you all. I kiss you & am affectionately Yours

<personName>Hen A Muhlenberg</personName>