
owing to <personName>Wise</personName> & <personName>Peyton</personName>s conduct in <personName>Garland</personName>s Committee. We continued in Session last night untill after 10 OClock in hopes of finishing it, but could not succeed. Probably we may conclude it on Monday – without having done any thing with it. He will be discharged I presume without any opinion of the House being given on the subject. You can really have no idea of the difficulty of progressing with business in a body so numerous & constituted as ours is. It is terrible & if any thing can teach a man patience it must be learned here. We have two weeks more only & they promise to be <hi>very agreeable</hi> indeed. The Sessions will probably never close before 10 OClock & often continue later as we still have a great deal of business which <hi>must</hi> be done or the wheels of Government must stop. Many of the appropriation bills which provide for the expenses of Goverment are yet untouched & without these no monies can be paid. I am <hi>in hopes</hi> however that the necessity of the case will urge our friends at least to act & cease talking. The opposition will