
of course throw every difficulty in the way as they would be delighted if they could stave of the passage of those indispensable bills untill the adjournment which must take place on the <date>4th of March</date>. They would then throw the blame on the majority who notwithstanding they are the majority can not always, the rules of the House necessarily giving the minority many rights which cannot be infringed. The people however cannot easily comprehend this & we must look to it – work hard, sit long & take, probably <deletion>rash</deletion> <add>harsh</add> measures, which may seem arbitrary & tyrannical towards the minority. An agreeable prospect you will admit – but as it continues only two weeks, we at least, see a resting point & are cheered.

There is a good deal of trouble in the Wigwam here – and what I now <hi>write is confidential</hi>. <personName>Mr. Van Buren</personName> has sent for me three or four times & says "My God <personName>Mr M.</personName> what can, what shall be done?" I have really pittied him & do not envy him his place. None of the old officers wish to go out. They will not go unless turned out & as this is considered a mere continuation of