
<placeName>Washington</placeName> <date>Feby 26. 1837</date>.

My Dear <personName>Rebecca</personName>.

Only one more week and our labors here are at an end and I must say I do most heartily rejoice as our situation at this time is very far from being pleasant. We are very much engaged with public business & trying all that mortal men can do to expedite it without accomplishing much. The last week we have done considerable it is true & hope during this week to get through with all that is indispensably necessary. Much however that is called for & would prove highly usefull must remain undone. This however is not all. There is a hord of office seekers here, who beset us night & day & every man who is supposed to have any influence is tormented to death. Besides personal applications these are so many letters you can scarcely find time to read much less time to answer them. I shall indeed bless my stars when I get out of the City bounds & will I believe sleep a day & a night without rising from