
mere lassitude — which, after one walk & another which I mean to take toward evening & — "day of rest," will no doubt be removed. Indeed I feel braced already & comfortable enough now sitting before a blazing fire & hearing the wind whistling.

We had one or two slight sprinklings of snow here last week & the last 2-3 days have been cold. It is almost time that <personName>Rose</personName>should get home. She is too much inclined to indulge in her lazy, lolling habits — in her own room almost continually, reading whilst laying on the bed — or sitting on the floor before the fire.

We have not yet finished that confounded <placeName>Mississippi</placeName>election question. The opposition told us on Friday at 6 o'clock if we would adjourn they would let us take the question on Saturday before night On Saturday [unclear] <personName>Seargent</personName> made his appearance unexpectedly having no doubt been sent for & <personName>Phillips</personName> who is also absent it was supposed would be there with the 6 o'clock mail. These are two of three men, two of ours are also absent