problem: EbscoHost e-journal availability dates in catalog

Please note, the start/end dates listed in our catalog for some  links to EbscoHost e-journals are incorrect. We expect our vendor will be providing corrected records with the June update, which occurs in mid-June. In the meantime, when you click on the link in our catalog, you will be taken to the EbscoHost database page for the journal. On that page, look for “Full Text: ”  and you will see the actual dates available.

Message from our vendor, Serials Solutions:

What’s going on with EBSCO databases?

With our March 2011 updates of EBSCO databases, several titles that are not available full-text were added by the provider. Many of these titles were added with start dates that occur at present or in the future, with the same start and end dates, or with no dates of coverage.

EBSCO is working on this as a high-priority issue and they expect it to be resolved in early June.