Just Arrived…

New Arrivals in Trexler Library’s Main Collection include:

The Bayeux Tapestry by Lucien Musset.  Translated from French by Richard Rex-offers stunningly detailed photographs of the tapestry

Why zebras don’t get ulcers by Robert M. Saposky-The acclaimed guide to stress, stress-related diseases, and coping

A colored man round the world by David F. Dorr.  Edited by Malini Johar Schueller-a former slave’s fascinating account of his 1850’s tour of the world’s major cities

Arab women novelists:  The formative years and beyond by Joseph Zeidan

Dark nature:  A natural history of evil by Lyall Watson-examines the forces behind behavior as well as the balance between civilized society and anarchy

These books and others are part of the circulating collection located in the new book area of the Muhlenberg Room.