Trexler Library Scuttlebutt

A Bi-Weekly Update

Ebscohost Dominates

A significant change has taken place in the database landscape over the past few weeks. And probably for the best. H.W. Wilson, the maker of time-honored Reader’s Guide, Humanities Index, etc. has been bought out by Ebscohost. What this means for Muhlenberg College is that researchers who use Art Full Text andOmnifile formerly owned by H.W. Wilson, will now see an Ebscohost interface (the same interface employed in Academic Search Premier and Business Source Elite).

While occasionally waxing nostalgic for Wilson, the editors of this newsletter believe that Ebscohost dominates in journal databases for good reason. Ebscohost has been very responsive to the requests of its users. The Ebscohost interface is relatively user friendly. It gives the academic users what they want: lots of full text with the option to limit to peer review, easy links to interlibrary loan, and links to full text in other databases like JSTOR via the GET IT link.

Journal Boycott

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that some 1800 scholars have signed on to a boycott against Elsevier, a leading publisher of science journals. The scholars have agreed to bypass Elsevier and publish their work elsewhere, and agreed not to do any peer review work for Elsevier.

The boycott arises from frustration over the prices Elsevier charges for subscriptions to their journals, leading to a perceived inaccessibility to scientific research. The publisher counters that they offer one of the most reasonable pricing structures available on the market, and are an aid to access, not a hindrance.

It is unlikely that Elsevier and the boycotters will reach terms of agreement anytime soon. Nonetheless , the boycott points to growing academic and popular dissatisfaction with traditional subscription models, especially those with prohibitive pricing.

Infomaniac Tip

Will Cell Phone Numbers Go Public

You may have received emails in the past month or so telling you that your cell phone will be assaulted by telemarketers beginning in early 2012. Infomaniac did some investigating and found that (according to theFederal Trade Commission) this is not the case. The FTC welcomes any cell phone customer to add any number to the FTC Do Not Call registry, but it is not necessary to do so. The FTC claims never to have maintained a cell phone directory, nor has it provided such a list to telemarketers.


2/9, 2/16, 2/23 – Meditation Group. Open to all Muhlenberg faculty, staff, and students. (Fulford Room, 5:00-6:00 p.m.).

2/22 – Spring Trivia Night. Open to students, staff, and faculty. Teams can sign up at the circulation desk. Huge variety of questions! Fabulous prizes! (Level A Concourse, 7:00-9:00 p.m.).